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Chair: Surya Karlapati, MD

The Ethics Committee conducts ethics investigations and hearings as needed.  The committee consults with members who have questions about ethical issues.  For more information, please visit

Forensic Practice
Chair: Jigar Chotalia, MD

Co-Chairs: Bennett Garner, MD & Daniel Nicoli, MD

The Legislative Committee reviews and recommends positions on proposed legislation and administrative rules.  Working with OPPA's lobbyist, the association cooperates with other organizations to address important public policy issues and to encourage the involvement of psychiatric physicians in the political process.  

Katy King is the Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association Government Relations Director. She represents the chapter and advocates for OPPA policy positions at the local and state level. She also acts as a liaison between the chapter and other stakeholders on issues that impact behavioral health care.
Legislative activity is regularly summarized for our members during interim legislative days in Salem and during the legislative session.   A weekly report is sent to members by email.
For more information about the legislative process, please contact us at

Member Assistance
Chair: (vacant)

The Member Assistance Committee works with members who may be facing personal or professional challenges. Committee leaders meet quarterly with the chair and executive director of the Oregon Medical Board to discuss issues related to psychiatrists.

Chair: (vacant)

The Membership Committee works on association recruitment and retention.  The committee also reviews and recommends members for APA's Fellowship and Distinguished Fellowship designations.  Click HERE to join as a member.

Chair: Jon Betlinski, MD

The Program Committee develops educational programs for the two scientific meetings of the general membership each year. This committee may become active in developing other educational activities for the organization as appropriate.
Winter Conference
Fall Conference

Public & Community Psychiatry
Chair: George Fussell, MD

The Public Psychiatry committee provides vital information to psychiatrists who work in the public sector or who are affected by public mental health systems.

Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association
Phone: (503) 967-9511   |